Introduction to the Podcast
Here, you’ll find my podcast shows about death, dying and the afterlife. The original mission of the show was to:
Learn about death, a perfectly natural and unavoidable process, in a lively and open way so we are better able to accept it, plan for a beautiful one, and most importantly, embrace every precious moment of life as a miraculous gift to be savored and cherished.
Favorite Shows
“From Carolina to Mesa, Arizona: A Caregiver’s Journey” with Dale Gyöngyös
As caregivers, we are lost so many times and we struggle. One hears about dealing with aging parents, but experiencing it. So hard. Thank you for choosing Dale. The perfect person with the perfect heart to share his story in an articulate, compassionate and honest way.
“How Boomers Can Live on less than $2500 a Month” with Dan Prescher of International Living Magazine
Seventeen years ago Dan and his wife Susan Haskins left snowy Omaha, Nebraska and have lived south of the border ever since, enjoying the sunshine, great food, low prices, and comradery of other International Living ex-pat boomers.
“The Whole Cup of Life” with filmmakers Sara Feldmann Sheehan and Bobby Sheehan
Film makers Sara Feldmann Sheehan and Bobby Sheehan discuss Mortal, their documentary addressesing the fundamental issues about love, living, and what makes us human.
“Three Near Death Experiences; One Abundant Life” with author Robert Kopecky
Not one, not two, but three Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) taught author Robert Kopecky and thing or two (or three) about the afterlife, and more importantly, how to live in the present with abundant joy, humility, and presence. Learn about life after death, and how to experience heaven without really dying.
“Witch Way to Go,” with Kat the Wiccan Mortician, Part 1 of 2
Kinky sex? Blood sacrifices? Boiling children? Sorry. Not here! True, Kat is Wiccan, but there is a lot more to learn about that ancient spirituality than what you might have heard from the myths of childhood fables and stories. Kat brings a fresh, unique perspective to life, death, and the in-between.
“And in the End, the Love You Make” with David Dedrick from Compleatly Beatles, Part 1 of 2
It’s safe to say that the Beatles were one of the most influential and innovative rock bands in the history of the genre. In this show we learn how losing friends affected their lives and music from David Dedrick, one of the world’s leading Beatles experts. Be sure to stay tuned for Part Two of this show!