What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from a Cop

He was a crusty, retired New York City cop, now driving a cab. I was an IBM manager on my way to the airport. We struck up a conversation.
“An ex-cop?” I gushed. “I’ll betcha you’ve been in some real pickles. Surely you are packing heat right now.” He scowled at me the rear view mirror.
“Nope. I don’t pack heat,” he growled.
“Why not?”
“Because when you carry a gun,” he said, changing lanes, “You think with a gun. And when you don’t carry a gun, you gotta think with your head.”
And so it is with start-ups that take VC money. If they are not careful, they tend to solve problems by throwing money grenades at them, thinking with their money instead of being resourceful.
So take a lesson from a cop: “You gotta think with your head.”
Books by Brant
Most Recent
For Christmas 2018, my brother, a pilot with American Airlines, gave me a gift that became the experience of a lifetime: 12 months of free travel anywhere American Airlines flies.
Thus began a year long journey that took me from the rocky coasts of Portugal, to the hot sands of Morocco, to the mangrove swamps of Panama, with many places beyond and between. In cheap hostels and the backwaters of the nomadic milieu, I discovered a treasure chest of colorful and fascinating people. I tell their stories and a bit of my own.
The trip became as much a spiritual and emotional journey inward as it was a literal outward one, and found me in a place those of you who are in the second half of life are likely to recognize.
With references to the philosophies of Carl Gustav Jung, Jesus, Bob Dylan, and the Buddha, Blue Skyways is an international romp by a man in his 60’s with not much more than a pack on his back, and still much to learn.
A suspense/thriller novel!
When a psychology doctoral student Brian Drecker uses advanced software to analyze dreams from around the world, he discovers odd patterns that cannot be explained. Where one person's dream ends, another's begins. Unique objects appear again and again...even though the dreamers are complete strangers.
Drecker discovers the patterns form a map pointing to an ancient, lost object. Soon after, he is mysteriously murdered, leading his deadbeat brother and estranged wife on an international race to find the treasure, and the murderer. Along the way, the troubled couple are opposed by dark forces of the religious underworld, who launch a global pandemic to ensure the map of dream's secret remains lost forever.