Ageism: The Dark Side of Activism

Ocasio-Cortez’s myopia is a symptom of ageism, and she needs to be called out for it, just as quickly, and with the same conviction, as if she denigrated another human because of their skin color or gender. It’s flat out unacceptable.

Becoming a Silver Dancer

My friend Michael Noyes, born 1959, is a dancer. He thinks like a dancer. He moves like a dancer. He identifies himself as a dancer. When Michael teaches yoga, he doesn’t teach it as a series of static positions, instantly teleporting from one mountaintop position to...

That Giant Sucking Sound You Hear is the Silver Tsunami Coming

Older adults are the fastest growing group in the US, sometime called the “silver tsunami.” The impact of their caregiving needs will hit the US economy with the destructive, chaotic force of a tidal wave. Don’t waste time picking up pretty shells. It’s time to move to higher ground.

The Anatomy of Loneliness

Why are so many people, in so many countries, so lonely — an affliction that the AARP says is as detrimental to your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day? Guess what? It’s not you! You are fine, but you are fighting against a culture and built environment that cultivates social isolation. It’s time to say, “Enough!” and save your life.

Life and Death on the Roulette Wheel

Polished television commercials from financial planning services urge us to start young, scrimp and save, and be well prepared for our “golden years.” They are providing good advice, and I hate them. My stomach churns whenever I see the seniors pictured in these ads…radiating good health, smiling with perfect teeth, walking along a beautiful beach in their sun drenched retirement, secure in the knowledge they’ll have enough money to live until they die… with plenty left over for their kids. For most of us boomers, that picture is a myth and as elusive as a unicorn.

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