Sebastian Page & the Unsung Heroes

What does it mean to be really valuable to others? Does it mean creating something that has immediate market appeal? Is that the measure of our value, when we are lauded by our contemporaries and peers? If yes, then all of the unsung heroes whose remarkable ideas that made our modern life possible are abject failures. Since that does not ring true, I submit there is another way to think about it.

Made in Africa

A chance encounter at a street corner in the old town of Marrakesh, Morocco, led to an adventure where I met Eric van Hove, an internationally acclaimed artist with a vision for transforming a continent, one gleaming, beautiful, and unique electric scooter at a time…all made in Africa.

More Real Than Real

We will never figure out everything we think we ought to know, nor should we never stop trying. This is the quest. This is the journey, and if you are on the treacherous path of growth, then it will be an anxious one. “Anxiety is the price of the ticket of life; intra-psychic depression is the byproduct of a refusal to climb aboard.” (Hollis)

The Lost Possum: My Father the Spy and How I Found Him

Trump was elected in a wayward sexual revolution, not just a political one. Forward-thinking people, both male and female, are scrambling to figure out how a healthy man should show up in a rapidly changing 21st-century world, a world where men have precious few good role models to follow.

The Wanderer

For any of us who wander but are not lost…a song that calls to the deep within many a man who eases his pain by burning shoe leather and spending nights alone staring at the sky, wondering why.

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