The Last White Rhino

While everyone watches, the men die a horrible death, spewing green foam from their mouths and plowing their sauce smeared jowls into plates of very expensive beans.

Am I an Alcoholic?

Am I an Alcoholic? Photo by Paulo Silva on Unsplash Introduction: I’m worried about men. I believe many of the world’s woes, from gun violence to domestic abuse to climate change, have their root cause in men’s health, which is to say, not healthy. I want to see that...

ED the Extraterrestrial

If a man sees himself as valuable and worthy of a woman’s attention, he will show up in the world that way, and many women are attracted to a confident man. Even if you have to “fake it till you make it,” once you genuinely love who you are, it will naturally come out of your pores, and people notice.

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